Get In Touch With Us
Who We Are
About Orthopedic
Care Partners
Market leading Orthopedic Care Partners (OCP) is one of the longest-tenured and largest integrated orthopedic growth platforms with best-in-class physician partners in attractive growth markets. OCP has the scale, platform, and proven track record to continue its strong growth in existing and new markets.


Partner Practices
Physicians hired since the formation of the MSO
Physician Retention
Choose the Best Partner for Your Practice
Why OCP?
OCP provides compelling value to physicians allowing them to maintain clinical autonomy while leveraging robust resources to drive growth. With OCP, physicians join a team of best-in-class physicians and leaders in the field, a culture committed to superior patient experiences, and an outstanding clinical reputation.

Physician Recruitment & Practice Affiliations

Adding & Expanding Locations


Ancillary Services

Growing Value-
based Care
Value-Based Care
OCP’s physicians and the entire OCP team believe to their core, at the end of the day, our guiding principle and commitment is to superior clinical outcomes, a great patient experience, and outstanding patient care.
OCP is well positioned to thrive and succeed in the paradigm of value-based care through triple aim healthcare: superior clinical outcomes; an outstanding patient experience; all while lowering the cost of care.
OCP is highly successful in Medicare’s BPCI -Program and commercial bundled contracts. OCP is particularly excited about Value-Based Care opportunities through risk-sharing payor contracts, leveraging a tech-enabled patient risk stratification platform and clinical pathways.
Culture and Reputation of Clinical Excellence
Leadership in Orthopedic Industry
Top-Tier MSO Service
Clinic Optimization
Vertically Integrated Clinical Offering
Strong Physician Allignment
Average Google Patient Satisfaction Rating
Publications by OCP Physicians
Corporate Headcount
Data analytics platform
Physician Ownership
Patient Likely to Recommend OCP to Family and Friends
Orthopedic Fellows & Residents Trained Annually
Physician Hires Since Inception
Clinic KPI’s Tracked
Ancillary Services
Partner Relention Since Inception
Optimizing Value-Based Care
OCP’s physicians and the entire OCP team believe to their core, at the end of the day, our guiding principle and commitment is to superior clinical outcomes, a great patient experience, and outstanding patient care.
OCP is well positioned to thrive and succeed in the paradigm of value-based care through triple aim healthcare: superior clinical outcomes; an outstanding patient experience; all while lowering the cost of care.
OCP is highly successful in Medicare’s BPCI -Program and commercial bundled contracts. OCP is particularly excited about Value-Based Care opportunities through risk-sharing payor contracts, leveraging a tech-enabled patient risk stratification platform and clinical pathways.
Culture and Reputation of Clinical Excellence
Average Google Patient Satisfaction Rating
Patient Likely to Recommend OCP to Family and Friends
Leadership in Orthopedic Industry
Publications by OCP Physicians
Orthopedic Fellows & Residents Trained Annually
Top-Tier MSO Service
Corporate Headcount
Physician Hires Since Inception
Clinic Optimization
Data analytics platform
Clinic KPI’s Tracked
Vertically Integrated Clinical Offering
Ancillary Services
Strong Physician Allignment
Physician Ownership
Partner Relention Since Inception
Stronger Together
Practice Partners
We seek partners that share our values and goals, focusing on outstanding clinical quality, superior patient experience, and interests aligned to achieve smart, robust growth.
Our Process
Joining Forces with OCP
Step 1

Initial Contact
Familiarize yourself with the OCP family, explore our partnership model, and discuss the benefits of joining forces with us.
Step 2

Develop your practice’s financial overview, assess market dynamics, and identify opportunities for growth and expansion.
Step 3

Due Diligence
Confirm key information, ensure regulatory compliance and finalize the economic terms for a successful partnership.
Step 4

Agreements & Closing
Document terms, develop an integration plan while maintaining brand identity, and transfer proceeds to new partners.
Industry Expertise
Executive Leadership
Physician Leadership
Our physicians are trained at top medical schools, residencies, and fellowships. Our physicians are leaders in clinical research, training fellows, and serve as physicians for professional sports teams and the Olympics. Each Division Chief Medical Officer works closely with our physicians and administrative team maintaining physician alignment, clinical symposiums, recruiting, and identifying growth opportunities.
This creates a culture of collegiality, shared learning, and best practices.